Bongo Recordings
The number one recording studio in Sweden. Placed in Gothenburg and equipped with fabulous stuff. Owned by Håkan Svensson and Pär Edwardsson.

Jari Kinnunen, Photographer
Jari has been by my side taking pictures through the whole project. It´s mostly his pictures you see on this website, but also the pressphotos and some of the videos..Take a look at his website, stunning pictures!
”I am a simple man fortunate enough to be able to spend time on personal projects, to travel and to meet and collaborate with fantastic people in many different places”

Winternet Web & Reklambyrå
Joel, webdesigner and Andreas, Art Director, made all the stunning artworks, website, graphic design and everything else around the production.

The fabulous videoteam
In the video we ride a Cadillac 1956. She´s been working all her life as a hard liquor supplier in Arizona. Her lacquer is not rusty , just beautifully burned by the sun.
The team consists of: Kalle Pettersson, Johan Örjansson, Anna Engebrethsen, AndreasW,Peter Callander, Fanny Chass, Christer Carlsson.

Kalle Pettersson, Photographer
Kalle Pettersson was holding all the cameras during the filmsessions. Great equipment, great engagement and a look for what works.

Anna Engebrethsen
Art – poetry- photographer. Together with Johan, Anna had a lots of brilliant ideas for the video.

Johan Örjansson
Basko Beleives – Swedish singer-songwriter Johan Örjansson. Not only a extremely talented songwriter. Also a great videoproducer.

Granstigen Promotions (Rootsy Live Falkenberg)
Ulf & Anders & Jari. I think theese men eat music. But they are for real. Without them, and all the great music they bring to our town, our city would have been a quiet and boring place. Now it rocks. Fuck Fake!

Hiresound - Creating impression
Awesome sound, awesome lights, awesome people. Always!